Drag bookmarklet to your bookmarks toolbar:
GA Import domain exclusions 2.0referral exclusion list importer bookmarklet
Drag bookmarklet to your bookmarks toolbar:
GA Import domain exclusions 2.0Warning! This script works best in Google Chrome. Some problems may occur in other browsers.
When the bookmarklet is already added to your toolbar, simply sign in to your Google Analytics account.
Go to Admin and select website you want to manage.
Extend Tracking info option and click Referral Exclusion List
Now press GA Import domain exclusions bookmarklet.
In the dialog window paste a domain list separated by new line characters (keyboard enter).
Finally click Import button
That's all folks!
( function($) { var iframewindow = frames['galaxy'], token = iframewindow.preload.token.value, findIdRegex = /(?:Settings\/)([a-z0-9]+)(?:\/)/ig, id = findIdRegex.exec(iframewindow.location.hash)[1], $overlay = $('<div></div>').css({ background : 'White', width : '100%', height : '100%', position : 'fixed', 'z-index' : 999, top : '0px', opacity : '0.65' }).appendTo('body'), $status = $('<div>no data</div>').css({ 'font-size' : '1.25em', 'font-weight' : 'bolder', padding : '10px 0' }), $textarea = $('<textarea class=\'_GAYib\' placeholder=\'eg. onet.pl\'></textarea>').css({ width : '100%', height : '150px' }), $okBtn = $('<button class=\'_GAYe _GAy\'>Import</button>').click(function() { var rows = csvJSON($textarea.val()); $textarea.prop('disabled', true).val('Please wait... It may take few minutes.'); $okBtn.prop('disabled', true); $status.text('initializing!'); send(0, rows, $status); }), $cancelBtn = $('<div class=\'btn action\'>Cancel</div>').click(function() { $dialog.remove(); $overlay.remove(); }), $dialog = $('<div class=\'_GAZVb\'></div>').css({ width : '450px', height : '350px', position : 'absolute', top : '50%', left : '50%', 'margin-top' : '-200px', 'margin-left' : '-225px', 'z-index' : 9999, background: 'White', border: 'solid 1px Gray', padding: '16px' }).append('<div class=\'_GALwb\'>Import domains:</div>').append('<div class=\'_GAC9\'><div class=\'_GAZC\'>Domain list, new line separated</div></div>').append($('<div class=\'_GAPI\'></div>').append($textarea)).append($status).append($('<div class=\'_GAWs _GAaBb\'></div>').append($okBtn).append($cancelBtn)).append('<p>I\'m looking for a job in webdev. Catch me at <a href=\'http://realhe.ro\'>realhe.ro</a>.').appendTo('body'); var send = function(i, r, $c) { var value = r[i]; console.log('Doing row ' + i + ' from ' + r.length + ' rows.'); if (r.length > i) { $c.text((i + 1) + '/' + r.length); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'https://analytics.google.com/analytics/web/submitForm?m.page=TrackingReferralExclusions&ds=' + id + '&sid=editReferralExclusion&hl=pl&authuser=0', timeout: 0, dataType: 'text', data: { token : token, newDomain : value[0], editMode : 'CREATE', etnityVersion : 1502665082311 }, success: function(msg, textStatus, jqXHR) { console.log('DONE FIRED!'); if(msg === '') { console.log('ERROR: Empty response! Retrying!'); setTimeout(function() { send(i, r, $c); }, 1000); } else { if(jqXHR.readyState === 4) { console.log('success!'); setTimeout(function() { send(++i, r, $c); }, 1000); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, err) { console.log('Error status: ' + err + ' RETRYING!'); } }); } else { location.reload(); } }; var csvJSON = function(csv) { var lines = csv.split('\n'); var result = []; for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { if (lines[i] == '') { continue; } var obj = {}; var currentline = lines[i].split(';'); obj[0] = currentline[0]; result.push(obj); } return result; }; }(jQuery));